In navigating my dual roles as a lawyer for a distinguished firm and as president of the Black Women Lawyers’ Association of Greater Chicago (BWLA), the evolution of my “leadership voice” has been a continuous journey anchored in authenticity, empathy and perseverance.

My commitment to amplifying underrepresented voices and fostering a more inclusive legal community has been significantly influenced by my journey through the legal profession as a Black woman and the profound impact BWLA has had on my career.

As a leader, I use my voice to advocate for underrepresented communities and to promote initiatives that foster inclusivity, equity and justice within the legal community. Recognizing the importance of amplifying marginalized voices, BWLA, in alignment with its mission, actively contributes to ensuring that voices outside of leadership are given a platform to share their experiences, ideas and concerns.

We do this by offering educational programs, mentoring opportunities and community outreach initiatives. In addition, we are dedicated to creating educational pipeline programs and workshops designed to advance Black women lawyers in various legal sectors, including public and private practice, the judiciary and academia.

I believe we have an obligation to contribute expertise, ethical guidance and a commitment to fairness to shape the values that underpin a just and thriving society. That’s why it’s important that our voices be heard and amplified.

BWLA strives to maintain its coalitions with other bar associations in the Chicago community to address the challenges Black lawyers face with hopes of building awareness that leads to positive, lasting change. Then, through our collective efforts, we strive to ensure that all voices are heard and play a vital role in shaping the future of the legal landscape.